Micha Meyer

Micha Meyer


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- Trainee Relationship Manager bei Credit Suisse - Bachelor und Master in Business Administration


I started making short movies when I was a kid. But that weren't the movies you would expect from a boy just before puberty. I tried to make my own versions of "Kill Bill" or "Saw" (from which I only saw the trailer at that time) and was with that a real challenge for the adults in our neighborhood. Not that I was a weird kid. Not at all. I just really liked intense scenes in films where your heart almost stops beating. And with these scenes in my mind I was able to persuade all my friends to play in my short movies with me as the director. Unfortunately, my expensive movie camera soon broke down during a shoot and I couldn't afford another one. And so I lost sight of my film projects and got busy with school, later with my studies and then with my career in a Swiss Bank (since a good and safe job in Switzerland is everything). But during all this time I just loved movies and loved to read reviews of them and to think for myself what could have been done better but never really thought to start filming again till summer 2019. At this time I watched with my friends the third season of my favorite series "Stranger Things" and was somehow disappointed at the end of the season. Not that I didn't like it, but I just thought it could have been so much better. And after that I started wondering what the season would have looked like if I shot it. And when I saw that the Duffer Brothers actually were only a few years older than me, this question became even louder. But then I tried to focus on my job and on my career again, but the desire to make movies was getting stronger and stronger. And when I saw Ari Asters "Hereditary" and "Midsommar" and his Interviews about directing these movies I was just so incredibly fascinated that I could no longer undermine this desire to make movies myself.



- Nachtwunsch (2022) - Director, Writer, Editor

- Ohnmacht (2021) -> AD, Soundmaster & Editor

- Aquamarinblau (2021) -> AD, Soundmaster & Editor

- Downfall (2021) -> Director, Writer, Editor, Actor

- Weekend in the Forest (2020) -> Director, Writer, Editor


Ich arbeite mit einem kleinen Team von Filmbegeisterten, welche immer bessere Filmemacher werden wollen. Ich suche Filmfreaks, die mit uns zusammenarbeiten wollen. Wenn du interessiert bist, dann melde dich doch bei mir. Gerne helfe ich auch in deinen Projekten mit.