There are several open roles for an upcoming experimental, low-budget short film that will be shot in Switzerland 2025/2026. According to the news, our mental health is on the decline. More and more people are feeling on the edge, on the verge, full of desperation. This film explores the mental state of our leading character who is going for a night walk. A single soul wandering through the night with nothing but the blues. The film conveys a delicate, soothing, down to earth tranquillity and strikes some symptoms of mental illness by passing but the general mood will be cool (hopefull). Expenses and food will be covered and there will be a symbolic pay. If everything works well it might be shown at a regional film festival. You can use sections of the film for your portfolio. The title: A Blues's journey to Turicum. (details further below)
Für die Realisierung eines experimentellen Low-Budget-Kurzfilms, der 2025/2026 gedreht wird, sind noch einige Rollen zu vergeben. Gemäss Nachrichten geht es mit unserer mentalen Gesundheit bergab. Der Film erforscht den mentalen Zustand unserer Hauptfigur, die mit nichts anderem als dem gewohnten Blues einen Nachtspaziergang unternimmt. Der Film strahlt eine stillvolle Ruhe aus. Die Stimmung des Films wird trotz ernsten Themen cool (hoffnungsvoll) bleiben. Spesen und Verpflegung werden übernommen und es gibt eine symbolische Vergütung. Wenn alles gut läuft, könnte der Film bei einem regionalen Filmfestival gezeigt werden. Sie können Teile des Films für Ihr Portfolio verwenden. (Details weiter unten)
Il y a des roles pour un court métrage expérimental low-budget qui sera tourné en suisse 2025/2026.
Selon les journals, notre santé mentale est en déclin. Plus en plus de personnes se sentent à la limite, au bord du gouffre. Ce film explore l'état mental de notre personnage principal qui fait une promenade nocturne. Une promenade dans la nuit avec rien d'autre que le blues. Le film transmet une tranquillité terre à terre. L'atmosphère du film sera cool (pleine d'espoir) malgré le sérieux des thèmes. Les frais et la nourriture seront couverts et il y aura un salaire symbolique. Si tout se passe bien, le film pourrait être présenté lors d'un festival du film régional. Vous pouvez utiliser des parties du film pour votre portfolio. (Détails se trouvent plus bas)
Ci sono diversi ruoli liberi per un cortometraggio sperimentale low-budget che sarà realizzato in Svizzera 2025/2026.
Secondo i news, la nostra salute mentale è in declino. Sempre più persone si sentono al limite, sull'orlo della disperazione. Questo film esplora lo stato mentale del nostro protagonista che va a fare una passeggiata notturna. Un'anima sola che vaga nella notte con nient'altro che il blues. Il film trasmette una grande tranquillità con i piedi per terra. L'umore del film rimarrà cool (speranzoso) nonostante i temi seri. Le spese e il vitto saranno coperti e ci sarà una retribuzione simbolica. Se tutto funziona bene, il film potrebbe essere proiettato a un festival cinematografico regionale. È possibile utilizzare sezioni del film per il proprio portfolio.
Seeking for:
- Leading character (mute role) >25years
- Featured Extras (mute role) >25years
- Voice-over artist for the leading character >25years
- Musician E-Guitarist
- Musician Drummer
- Musician Bass
Your strength:
- Drawn to literature, Philosohpy, languages. Ideally with prior experience in writing (hobby or professional).
- Intrinsic motivation to experiment with texts, words, music or acting performances.
- Sensibility for breaks, tempo and information density (literally, musically and visually)
- Considerate as an artist (especially during the performance). Leaving the others creative "space" and supporting them when needed. Serving to the general mood.
My resume is shared upon request.
Feel free to contact me via email using the email address below or refer this advertisement to a friend:
Please tell me more about your work (prior work with similarities to this project).
Rough reference for musicians:
- "Walking blues" from Pete Alderton (seconds 0-30)
- The bass, reverse guitar track right at the end of the trailer "mulholland drive" by David Lynch.