Dear Impro Friends!
Storylab(or) is looking for an actress between the ages of 30 and 59 for a forum theater workshop.
If English poses no problem for you and you bring improvisational talent and a certain flair for comedy, then please get in touch with us!
Here some details about the performance:
Performance Date: September 15th in central switzerland (Exact location will be provided upon confirmation)Travel and Accommodation: Arrival on the evening of September 14th, with overnight stay in a hotel
Rehearsals: September 10th or 11th, approximately 3-4 hours of rehearsal with scripts (partially improvised, likely involving stage directions)
This is a paid job!
Are you interested in finding out more about this unique experience? Contact us with a portrait photo and portfolio directly at adri@storylabor.ch , please mention your availabilities in your Mail!
We look forward to hearing from you!